Charter and Bylaws of Urantia Association of Canada

Article 1:  Name

The name of the organization is Urantia Association of Canada (or, Association Urantia du Canada), also designated herewith as UAC.­ UAC is a National Association of the Urantia Association International (UAI) and licensed by Urantia Foundation.  Such a license privileges UAC to make authorized use of the “URANTIA” name and URANTIA Foundation’s trademarks, service marks, and collective membership marks.

Organizationally, UAC’s Local Associations are self-governing groups linked through the UAI Charter, UAC Bylaws, readers’ common membership in UAI, and shared tasks and functions.

Article 2:  Purpose

The purpose of UAC is:

1) To represent UAI affiliated Local Associations within the nation of Canada on the international level.

2) To serve the integration and coordination needs of the Local Associations within Canada in accordance with the Charter and Bylaws of the Urantia Association International.

Article 3:  Membership Requirement

Members of UAC shall be any member in good standing in a Local Association within the Canadian membership, meeting the requirements specified in Article 3 of the UAI Charter. In addition, UAC shall have Associate Members: Readers who have not yet finished reading The Urantia Book, but who wish to be attached to a Local Association as a non-voting member. Furthermore, UAC shall have Associated Members-at-large: Readers in isolated areas where no Local Association exists but who wish to be attached as UAI members to the National Association.

Article 4:  Organizational Structure


The officers of UAC shall be called the UAC Governing Board.  The Governing Board is initially composed of provisional administrators appointed by the constitutional act and afterwards, by officers elected during the first assembly of voting members. The officers will be chosen among full members of local associations and will be elected for a period of three years. Election of the board members will be staggered as such: The President the first year, followed by the Vice-President the second, followed by the Secretary/Treasurer on the third year. A Governing Board member may be re-elected only once. After serving two consecutive mandates, the officer must leave the Governing Board and remain without duties for at least one year but may be elected for any position at the next annual general meeting

An officer whose position becomes vacant may be replaced by resolution of the Governing Board and his (her) stand-in remains in function during the non-expired portion of the leaving officer’s mandate.

One candidate is elected for each vacant position. If no one has offered his / her candidature or if no one was nominated for a given position, the nomination of a retiring active member may be proposed and seconded by another active member, even if that retiring member has served several consecutive terms.

Officer duties are as follows:

  1. President. Presides over all meetings of the Governing Board and voting membership; acts as spokesperson for UAC; serves as a voting member of the UAI Representative Council (RC); and submits an annual written report of Local and National Association activities to the President of the International Service Board, UAI Administrator, and Local Association Presidents and Vice-Presidents.
  2. Vice-President. Performs the duties of President when required and serves as a voting member of the Representative Council.
  3. Secretary. Administers UAC correspondence and meeting minutes and maintains the voting membership register, current membership lists submitted by the Local Associations and of members-at-large.  Minutes of each National Association meeting and minutes of each Governing Board meeting will be sent to all voting members of UAC ,  the Governing Board members, and the National Committee Chairman within 60 days after the meeting.  The Secretary shall notify Local Associations of meetings of the National Association and known agenda items 60 days prior to the meeting.  At the start of the national meeting, the Secretary calls the roll of all Local Associations, certifying any representatives as voting members in the absence of the Local Association President or Vice-President.
  4. The treasurer is responsible for the cash assets and bank accounts of UAC, prepares an annual budget and track expenditures in relation thereto; collect membership dues and donations; and is responsible for the planning, management and execution of the fund-raising aspects of any UAC The treasurer shall submit the annual budget and financial reports to the Treasurers of each Local Association for the purpose of communicating the financial needs of UAC.  The treasurer shall provide appropriate receipts for all funds received.


UAC may have permanent committees with a maximum of eight committees.  Committee Chairmen shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Governing Board.   Committee Chairmen shall be selected from Local Association members in good standing.  Appointments will be made for two-year terms, staggered with half the chairmen appointed each year as follows:  The Conference Committee Chairman and Membership Committee Chairman are appointed in the same year alternating with the Education Committee Chairman and Publications Committee Chairman who are appointed the following year.  Committee members shall be members in good standing of a Local Association and serve with the approval of the Committee Chairman and the Governing Board of UAC.

  1. Conference Committee. This committee takes responsibility for assisting any Local Association(s) in the practical arrangements for national, international and/or other conferences.
  2. Membership Committee. This committee makes contact with Secretaries of Membership Chairs of Local Associations for the annual update of membership rolls. This Committee works with Local Associations in coordination with the UAI Administrator to identify and share strategies to attract new members and support the growth of existing Local Associations. Furthermore, this committee will contemplate regions where creation of new associations is possible.
  3. Education Committee. This committee will establish and implement plans to foster education and develop teachers among Local Associations and develop sources for educational assistance. This committee may also collaborate with the Conference Committee in organizing conferences and other activities which encourage the emergence of teachers.
  4. Publications Committee. This committee may publish newsletters and other UAC licensed publications and may display the Concentric-Circle Symbol and the name “URANTIA” on these publications.
  • Additional standing committees may be established by the voting members of UAC.
  • Ad hoc Committees may be appointed by the Governing Board from time to time as required to conduct the business of UAC.

Voting Members. 

Voting members shall be duly elected Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Local Associations or their duly designated representatives and shall be known as UAC Council of Local Presidents and Vice-Presidents (CLP).  Duly designated representatives must be members in good standing of their Local Associations.

Article 5: Quorum

A quorum for an annual general assembly or for an extraordinary assembly shall consist of one third of the voting members or their duly designated proxy present. A quorum for a Governing Board meeting shall consist of three of its members. A quorum for a committee shall consist of two thirds of its members.

Article 6:  Manner of Acting

A.  The act of a majority present at a UAC Governing Board, or at a Committee meeting at which a quorum is present shall be considered the act of the group.  Each voting member shall have one vote.  Any voting member may hold and vote one proxy from their Local Association in addition to his or her vote.  Meeting conduct shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

B. Any action required may be taken by the Governing Board or Committee without a formal meeting, provided consent is obtained in writing setting forth the action to be taken and signed by all members of the said group entitled to vote on the matter under consideration.  Any such document, or multiple copies thereof, signed by all members entitled to vote shall have the same effect as a unanimous vote at a duly called meeting.

C. Any action required may be taken by the UAC CLP without a formal meeting, provided that written notice setting forth the action to be taken is sent with 30 days’ notice to all members of the group entitled to vote on the matter under consideration.  Any such document, or multiple copies thereof, signed by a majority of members entitled to vote shall have the same effect as a majority vote at a duly called meeting.

D. The election of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be by a majority vote of the CLP voting members after input from a consultation with their respective Local Association Members.  Nominations shall be made in writing from the Local Associations to the UAC Secretary via the Presidents of the Local Associations.  Nominations shall include a brief biography and statement of goals of the nominee.

E. Vacancies

Should a vacancy in the office of President occur during the normal term of office, the Vice-President shall immediately assume the duties of the President until the next annual meeting when the unexpired term shall be filled by the election.  Should a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer occur during the normal time of office, the remaining Governing Board shall, within 90 days, appoint an officer to serve in interim until the next annual meeting during which the unexpired term shall be filled by the election.

Article 7:  Removal Procedure

An elected member of UAC may be removed from his(her) function if, as adjudged by UAC, the attitude, conduct, or influence of such a member shall be prejudicial to the interests and the work of UAC or UAI in general.  In order to remove an elected member, three voting members of UAC must bring specific charges of misconduct.  These charges should be distributed to each member of the Governing Board and the UAI Administrator.  After providing the accused member of a hearing, the Governing Board may remove the member from function in UAC by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present, provided the voting members present constitute a quorum.  In case of expulsion, appeal may be made to the UAI Judicial Commission for reinstatement.

Article 8:  Conflict Resolution

By written request of two members of the UAC Governing Board, unresolved issues affecting UAC may be brought before the UAI Judicial Commission, which shall be empowered to take such action as it deems necessary and appropriate to resolve the conflict.  The Judicial Commission shall set the time, venue, and attendance of any and all meetings required to resolve the conflict.

Article 9:  Fees and Dues

UAC may require annual dues and/or other fees from Local Associations, provided such funds are consistent with the budget approved by the voting members of UAC and the assessment thereof is approved by the voting members at a duly called meeting or as provided in Article 6.

Article 10:  Meetings of Voting Members

There shall be an Annual Meeting of UAC at a time, date, and venue set by the Governing Board. An extraordinary assembly may be convened by the Governing Board or by one third of its voting members. Notice of said meeting shall include a general outline of business to be transacted and shall be made to all voting members as early as possible, but in no instance less than 30 days prior to the meeting. Meetings may also be held through electronic means providing all members have the possibility of attending.

Article 11:  Meetings of Governing Board and Committees

A. Governing Board and Committee meetings shall be called by the UAC President or respectively by the committee president or by two members of this group. The date, time, location, and business to be conducted shall be set by the officer or members calling the meeting. Notice of the date, time, and location must be reasonable given all the circumstances.

B. Meetings may also be held through a telephone conference or by interactive electronic communication (discussion lists) in which all the members can understand each other. Such mode of participation holds the same legal value as if the members were meeting in person.

Article 12:  Amendments to Bylaws

Amendments to the UAC Bylaws require:

1)  written notice to each voting member of the proposed Bylaw change at least 30 days prior to a vote being taken (unless the voting members unanimously agree upon a shorter calendar for such a proposal), and;

2)  a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum of its voting members. In compliance with UAI Charter Article 2.4.2, amendments shall be ratified by the UAI ISB Executive Committee prior to their effective date.

Article 13:  Dissolution

In the event of voluntary or involuntary dissolution of UAC, all of its owning shall be transferred to UAI via the International Service Bureau. The ISB shall detain the assets in a restricted account for one year in view of UAC’s reorganization.


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